
Apple Picking

The joys of apple picking. Steve took the last
shot of me about to climb a tree.



Bright Halloween Fun.


Up-Close and Personal

It's a Seattle day in Michigan. Sigh.
Here's something to bring some color into the gray.


Inca Stone

Beautiful Inca stone-work on the honeymoon to Peru.
It's amazing to think that you hands are touching
something that someones hands hundreds of years ago
created. Amazing.


Peru People

These people are so beautiful. Their hands, faces, and smiles...so wonderful.


Suddenly Fall

I missed the colors in Michigan, it's a redeeming thought that
I guess I need it at the moment. The backyard is wonderfully bright.
Someone moved this chair over to this the tree. I saw it yesterday and today
I made myself go out in the crispness to take shots. It was lovely light.